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What the Differences among Organic Fertilizers, Microbial Agents and Bio-Organic Fertilizers?

The definition of three products in their corresponding standards


Organic Fertilizer (NY-525-2012) – Industry Standard

It refers to carbon-containing organic materials that are mainly derived from plants and/or animals waste. its function is to improve soil fertility, provide plant nutrition and improve crop quality. It is suitable for organic fertilizers made from livestock and poultry manure, animal and plant residues and animal and plant products.


Agricultural microbial agents – national standards

It refers to the live bacterial preparation made by the target microorganism (effective bacteria) after industrial production and expansion. It directly or indirectly improves the soil, restores the ground force, maintains the balance of the rhizosphere microflora, and degrades the toxic and harmful substances; applies to agricultural production, increases the supply of plant nutrient absorption or promotes through the life activities of the microorganisms.


Bio-organic fertilizer (NY-884-2012) – industry standard

It refers to a type of fertilizer that combines microbial fertilizers and organic fertilizers with specific functional microorganisms and organic fertilizers that are mainly derived from animal and plant residues (such as livestock manure, crop straw, etc.) and are harmlessly treated and decomposed. .


According to the definition of the three products and the comparison of the corresponding technical indicators, the following differences can be clearly seen:


  1. Organic matter content: organic fertilizer content requirements (≥ 45%) bio-organic fertilizer organic matter requirements (≥ 40%), which have a clear definition of organic matter content, while microbial agents are not clearly defined.


  1. Effective viable count: Bio-organic fertilizer (20 million/g) and microbial agents have clearly defined the number of viable bacteria, and the number of microbial agents is higher, while organic fertilizers are not specifically required in the production process. Functional microorganisms, so there is no requirement.


  1. Validity period: Bio-organic fertilizers and microbial agents have a clear expiration date. The main reason is that functional micro-organisms added to the product have a specific effective time. If the microorganisms are inactivated, they will not have or reduce the functions and effects of the corresponding products.


The main functions of the three fertilizers are different


  1. Organic fertilizer focuses on increasing soil organic matter and improving soil fertility;


  1. Microbial agents focus on microorganisms, and do not possess or have a small amount of nutrients, and are mainly used as carriers of microorganisms, mainly relying on the physiological metabolic activities of microorganisms to promote the release of organic fertilizers.Chemical fertilizers and mineral nutrients in the soil. The secondary metabolites of microorganisms contain more amino acids, hormones and other substances, which can effectively improve the quality of crops and improve the resistance of crops. At the same time, it can also inhibit the breeding of harmful bacteria in the soil and regulate the physical and chemical properties of the soil.


  1. Bio-organic fertilizer is a product that combines the effects of microbial fertilizers and organic fertilizers. It contains both functional microorganisms and a certain amount of organic matter and nutrients.


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